Thursday, March 19, 2009

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Lavatory - Lovestory

Konstantin Bronzit is a Russian artist who created the poetic "Lavatory - Love Story." In his career he has won several awards in the festival dedicated to animation and this short film was the Oscar-winning nomimato 2009. Takes place inside a public toilet in Moscow. Might give the impression of being drab setting, but instead ....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

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Scartabelli between comic books, files, memories and old photographs I find an old "Fumo di China" (one of the first magazine crtica cartoon) and I also realize that passed a few days before the anniversary of the birth of Jacovitti.
was 1993, not just a few months ago, and thanks to a friend I can get in touch with Benito Jacovitti which, however, lived a short distance from me. The opportunity was too good: spend an afternoon with one of the greatest authors of the comic! The same Jac I read the pages of the Corriere small "and which to admire the genius and recklessness, despite my young age. Together with other fans of comic Jac ask if we grant him an interview for the CFT is happy to accept.
interview was not easy, when you start talking is a flood of words, anecdotes, memories and social pleasantries. In hindsight, maybe not all were true, perhaps he enjoyed gently poking fun at inventing fantastic stories and amazing just as it has always been drawing comics in a particular way, with the style that the artist contradistingue by the artisan. A true artist "insane" and brilliant in real life!
He jokes for intercom, is its tongue, he speaks of women with the enthusiasm of a teenager and continues to smoke cigars brand Apostolate.
"I have four names, all to say _ _ dictator Benito, Franco, and Giuseppe Antonio (Portugal). We lacked soltanto che mio padre mi mettesse nome Adolfo!"
Con questa battuta entro nel regno di Jacovitti dove alle pareti sono appese cornicci che testimoniano le onoreficenze giustamente ricevute ma ci sono anche targhe in metallo che avvertono che " è vietato cosare". In un angolo della stanzetta il tavolino di legno dove per anni il nostro ha creato tante divertenti storie. Direttamente a china, recita la leggenda. E c'è da credergli perché nei bellissimi originali che ho visto non vi è traccia di segni di matit a!
"All'età di sei anni disegnavo sulla strada con il carbone. Mi divertivo così: ero figlio di operai e non avevo giocattoli, Me li costruivo io con la stoffa e con il carbone e quando andavo the cinema to see silent films with Tom Mix and then draw the characters on slabs of stone was a sort of "pavement artist"! When I came home my parents got angry because I was all dirty! "
These are the very beginning, but he had many plans for the future.
" I remember a story that Cocco Bill will be titled "Raiders of the Lost Ark "where he will face a gang of gunmen and thugs looking for a treasure. Then end up in a valley where they live a thousand years of the Vikings. There will be a battle between Indians and bandits who seek both this arc, Cocco Bill will find it and donate it to the Indians, but the bandits and the Vikings will try to steal it. Perhaps then invent a new character to be named Andoni (just with the D!). The Earth, after a 'nuke, it decreased in many pieces wandering: there is a piece of Albania, one of the Marches, etc. ... He, with a strange device, running from place to place to pick up the past: all the things good and genuine that there were once as bread, the salami and so on ... "
Jacovitti are many pages around the world in his great good humor gave her to anyone who came to visit him and was sorry when he realized that was then resold at a price within the comic book fairs. A gift was given from the heart commodified and resold!
Jacovitti is è cimentato su ogni genere di storie: western, fantascientifiche, poliziesche, romantiche, di pirati, con animali antropomorfi, e satiriche. E' famoso il suo periodo a "Linus" dove venne addirittura censurato!
" Il personaggio di Gionni Peppe non me lo censurò la redazione ma i lettori che mi hanno accusato di essere fascista. Creavo delle situazioni contro l'ultra sinistra e l'ultra destra; infatti io sono un liberale, un estremista di centro! Ho ricevuto molte lettere di minacce dalla sinistra e delle telefonate con minacce di morte dall'estrema destra fascista: Ma io gli rispondevo sghignazzando e loro minacciavano di farmi la pelle. Venite pure! _gli rispondevo _ Ne ho tanta di pelle!" ..."Ma after the war, in 1946, I designed many newspapers along with a group of Age, Scarpelli, Metz, Fellini ... Maybe only lasted two or three weeks and then falivano. I remember one, "Don Basilio" (but to which I have not worked) in a newspaper that was anti-clerical and lasted two years. After the war, Italy was divided into two parts: the Popular Front and the Catholic party, that is, the Christian Democrats. Then there was a small party: the party Whatever Man "is also mentioned in my story," the naive Baptist fascist. "He tries to get into different parties, but it failed to find even one that is right for her. A current history. "
you fear death? _ ch's Iesi.
" No, perché le cose sono due: se il Paradiso non esiste sono morto e non mi accorgo di niente. Però se c'è e, come dicono, c'è molta luce, mi devo portare gli occhiali da sole! Io sono credente ma non sono cattolico. Le religioni sono una trovata degli uomini e hanno portato alle cose peggiori dell'umanità, ossia alle guerre. Le guerre della Palestina o della ex Jugoslavia sono anche guerre religiose e io credo in un Dio diverso da quello dei cattolici."
Jacovitti è contento dell'intervista perchè ama chiacchierare amabilmente con i giovani ( la foto dove ho qualche capello in più testimonia il tempo passato) perchè non è costretto a rispondere a domande difficili che richiedano l'avvocato, ci dice!
Ci regala dei disegni, ovviamente. Butta in terra degli enormi cassetti pieni di tavole di Tarallino, vignette dal diario Vitt, illustrazioni varie e ci dice di scegliere. Io mi commuovo un po' di fronte a tanta generosità e mi riprometto di contraccambiare con un mio disegno.
Pochi anni dopo raggiunge i pascoli di Manitù , espressione letta su "Cocco Bill", e allora mi domando se si è portato gli occhiali da sole.

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Oktapodi: c'est l'amour! Building a world

La prestigiosa serata dei premi Oscar si è svolta il 7 febbraio e tra i cortometraggi di animazione candidati ha avuto un particolare gradimento il delizioso " Oktapodi" realizzato dagli studenti dell'ultimo anno dell'Istituto Gobelin Ecole de l'Image (Julien Bocabeille, François-Xavier Chanioux, Delabarre Olivier, Thierry Marchand, Quentin et Marmier Emud Mokhberi).
Although he won the Oscar for the short, however, has won numerous other awards including two at Siggraph 2008 in Los Angeles.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

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beautiful short film by director Bruce Branit, shot in one day but whose post-production was completed in two years.
As can be seen on his website:
his lab is filled with equipment for special effects.
The video is charming and poetic, reminiscent of the comic strip "Tellos" Mike Weringo. Who has not saw the video will understand why. Who has not read the comics even more thrill to see these images.

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Comics (only) for children? DRAGON BALL

In Italy we are still celebrating the centenary of the birth of the" Corriere dei Piccoli ", the first magazine dedicated to children in our country, and is a due recognition because, thanks to a supplement to the newspaper "Corriere della sera" were later edited other weekly children's quality ( Il Vittorioso, L'Avventuroso, Il Monello, Il Giornalino, Il Paladino dei ragazzi, Il corriere dei ragazzi, ecc...). Questo accadeva un secolo fa e in edicola, attualmente, languono le riviste che possano formare una cultura e un gusto per la lettura e lo sviluppo di idee e opinioni. Ultimo baluardo in questo senso fu l'indimenticabile "Corriere dei ragazzi" che affrontava tematiche importanti e le presentava agli adolescenti con un linguaggio vicino a loro e senza annacquarne i concetti.

Oltr'alpe no. In Francia e in Belgio continuano ad avere successo riviste come "Spirou Magazine" , che ha oltrepassato i 70 anni di presenza nelle edicole trattando temi come la violenza sui minori e la guerra, e anche personaggi storici come Spirou stesso years ago that dealt with fantasy
ioso but direct the issue of racism.
But not all: in 1988
a historical series called "Tif and Tondu" shows us, in a story, the corruption of authorities, masonry, coups, racism and patrols vigilante violence. All in a "simple" story for you guys!
Tif and Tondu were characters created in April 1938 by Fernand Dineur which quickly transfers them to the young designer William Malta, Will art. The two improvised detective (a bald, bearded and the other) experience various adventures of detective or fantastic character and one of the most appreciated books telling the story of an attempted coup put in place through its control of power and the media. The book in question is the n.37 entitled "Les phalanges de Jeanne d'Arc" ("The armies of Joan of Arc") and follow the book "La tentation du Bien" by the writer Stephen valid Desberg that in those years took care of the series. The two stories have been collected in France, a few years ago, in an anthology edited by Panini Comics as a supplement to the newspaper La Derniere Heure. "
"The armies of Joan of Arc" is a mob that strikes terror of immigrants and "different" melody to a strict moral and a security patrol through the streets to get to mold-fascist extreme and have no qualms about falsifying evidence to convict an immigrant with expired residence permit, good for making a scapegoat even though it is innocent. Who organizes the whole is a rich tycoon, Antonin De Maldague, which can control various newspapers and television so that they prefer to make room for papers and gossip rather than news stories more dramatic: in short, the news must be eliminated and may be uncomfortable space only those that are convenient to the rich politician (violence in the streets, the struggle to 'immigration, etc. ...). The purpose of the magnet and undermine the democracy of their country and restore the monarchy. His plan seems to succeed: it is rich, fascinating and many people are attracted to his persuasive ways and his reckless policy but in the end, thanks to Tif and Tondu, the powerful political will prove to be colluding in illegal trafficking.
What a pity! With us a comic like this could never be published. Is because there are more magazines anthologies for children, and because these days a topic like this would think. To children and adults.